Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Off to L.A. - again! Looking forward to seeing some new and different stuff. Not the same trip this time - bigger things on the horizon.

Lessons learned this week:

The tickets on Craigslist will not always be there.

What you focusing on happening probably will. Especially if it is negative. That whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing.

That said - there comes a time when your the cliches in your life MEAN something. With a depth and weight you could never know before. "You never know until you know."

That the priviledge of having/being a "friend" is lost on some people. Others take it much more seriously.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

his middle name is carlson after all*

My brother-in-law, Johnnie, calls me now and then to keep me posted on the latest "Casey Cuteness". I received such a call this evening on my way home from work. I've been giggling to myself ever since - except when that stupid douche stole my parking space at the grocery store by cutting up the aisle THE WRONG WAY. Anyways, I digress...

This morning, as they were driving through town, a car two cars ahead put on their left blinker. The car directly in front of them swerved to go around and then decided to stop short instead, forcing Johnnie to slam on the brakes and stop short too.

From the back, he hears Casey say, "Oooh!"

Johnnie turned to make sure he was okay and Casey looked him right in the eye and said...

...wait for it...


*Other titles that were considered:
"making Buppa proud"
"two more in succession"
"a carlson through and through"

Thursday, July 05, 2007

bill cosby would've had him on the show

IMG_0533, originally uploaded by kopykater.

I went up to Kittery to give mom a hand with the lil rascal while his parents were off cavorting in Kennebunk.

He did lots of cute things during the visit, but one - of the "kids say the darndest things" variety - stands out.

We took him into town to do some shopping (or, get the heck out of the house) and as we buckled him into the shopping cart at Marshall's, he said, "No cry! No cry!". As if it is the mantra that his mother (my co-shopaholic sister) has sold him on.