Friday, January 27, 2006

thanks kendra

So Kendra went and challenged me to own up to my resolution. Aye aye aye...

I guess the part that holds me back a little is where to start. Everything I've posted here has been pretty tame so far. I've got things to say, I do! How do you make the decision to break out and say something that might offend someone or, really now, make me look like a twit, a headcase... it's the self doubt thing.

But my friends do call me "Kate the Great" so I suppose there's a reason for that.

There, another post under my belt! Now let's think of a fun one!

1 comment:

KC said...

Check that out! My challenge worked! Don't think I won't stay on top of this posting business...because I totally will. :) So excited to read more!