Friday, February 03, 2006

baby cheating

I'm up in Wilmington right now, hanging with Baby G while Stiner and John have a farewell dinner with her old boss, Mr. J. He was a good boss, always taking her and John out to dinner and showering them with lavish gifts when the opportunity presented itself. Not like her last boss, who we not-so-affectionately called Boob, who used to fart audibly loud in his office and not excuse himself. Anywho...

My sister Liz called, asked me what I was doing.

Hanging out with Baby G. Christina and John went out to din-

You are!?!? (The you-are-cheating-on-your-nephew-tone doesn't ring quite as loud over the internet, but believe me, if I don't shower this kid with a million kisses when I see him on Sunday... psssht, dead).

Please note: I babysit my nephew regularly.

1 comment:

KC said...

Those are some cute babies!